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DB Backup/Restore diagram

Google cloud Backup/Restore diagram

Configuration Laravel side

            "type": "service_account",
            "project_id": "resolute-world-392017",
            "private_key_id": "bed27175876f7741af55665e31d3df716f7d461e",
            "private_key": "${GC_PRIVATE_KEY}",
            "client_email": "",
            "client_id": "100008630709907137502",
            "auth_uri": "",
            "token_uri": "",
            "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
            "client_x509_cert_url": "",
            "universe_domain": ""
        GC_PRIVATE_KEY='-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'
        GC_PRIVATE_KEY='-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'

NOTE: both .env var files are not in the repo.

Implementation for backup to GC

      protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void
            // Run command to do the messages backups to cloud


    class MessageBackupToCloud extends Command
         * The name and signature of the console command.
         * @var string
        protected $signature = 'db:messages-backup-to-cloud';
         * The console command description.
         * @var string
        protected $description = 'Command to get all the messages from db and create a backup to cloud';
         * Create a new command instance.
         * @return void
        public function __construct()
         * Execute the console command.
         * @return int
        public function handle(): int
            // Create cloud connection
            $storage = new StorageClient([
                'keyFilePath' => base_path() . "/gc-" . env('APP_ENV') . ".json"
            // Create bucket instance
            $bucket = $storage->bucket(env('APP_ENV') . "-backups-bd");
            // Get data from DB
            $data = DB::table('messages')->get();
            // Define the local path
            $path = base_path() . env('GC_HOST_PATH');
            // Write data to a local file and get the file size
            $localFileSize = $this->writeDataToFile($data, $path);
            // Check if backup can be skipped
            if ($this->shouldSkipBackup($localFileSize, $bucket))
                // Log no need message
                    ->info("No need to do db backup as there's no new messages!");
                // I/O
                $this->info("No need to do db backup as there's no new messages..");
                return 0;
            // Perform local backups
            $this->performLocalBackups($data, $path);
            // Perform cloud backups
            $timeAux = date("Y_m_d_H_i_s");
            $this->performCloudBackups($path, $timeAux);
            // Delete older backups in the cloud
            // Backup path cleanup to keep the limit to 5 files + 1 ( latest )
            exec("cd $path && ls -t | tail -n +7 | xargs -I {} rm {}");
            // Log success
                ->info('Backups done with success!');
            // I/O
            $this->info("Messages backup to cloud done with success.");
            // Exit
            return 0;
         * Create a directory if it does not exist.
         * @param string $path
         * @return void
        private function createPathIfNotExists(string $path): void
            if (!file_exists($path)) {
                mkdir($path, 775, true);
         * Write data to a temporary file and return the file size.
         * @param mixed $data
         * @param string $path
         * @return int
        private function writeDataToFile(mixed $data, string $path): int
            $tmp_file = $path . '/tmp_file.json';
            file_put_contents($tmp_file, json_encode($data));
            $localFileSize = filesize($tmp_file);
            return $localFileSize;
         * Check if the backup can be skipped based on file sizes.
         * @param int $localFileSize
         * @param mixed $bucket
         * @return bool
        private function shouldSkipBackup(int $localFileSize, mixed $bucket): bool
            $objectName = env('GC_CLOUD_PATH') . env('GC_CLOUD_FILE');
            $latestBackupObject = $bucket->object($objectName);
            // Check if the object exists
            if ($latestBackupObject->exists())
                // Retrieve the size of the latest backup object
                $latestBackupFileSize = $latestBackupObject->info()['size'];
                // If the object doesn't exist, consider it as having size 0
                $latestBackupFileSize = 0;
            // Compare sizes
            return $localFileSize <= $latestBackupFileSize;
         * Perform local backups.
         * @param mixed $data
         * @param string $path
         * @return void
        private function performLocalBackups(mixed $data, string $path): void
            $file    = $path . env('GC_HOST_FILE');
            $timeAux = date("Y_m_d_H_i_s");
            $fileLog = "$path/messages-backup-" . $timeAux . ".json";
            file_put_contents($file, json_encode($data));
            file_put_contents($fileLog, json_encode($data));
         * Perform cloud backups.
         * @param string $path
         * @param string $timeAux
         * @return void
        private function performCloudBackups(string $path, string $timeAux): void
            // Create a new storage client for cloud backups
            $storage = new StorageClient([
                'keyFilePath' => base_path() . "/gc-" . env('APP_ENV') . ".json"
            // Create a bucket instance for cloud backups
            $bucket = $storage->bucket(env('APP_ENV') . "-backups-bd");
            // Upload the latest backup to the cloud
            $bucket->upload(fopen($path . env('GC_CLOUD_FILE'), 'r'), [
                'name' => env('GC_CLOUD_PATH') . env('GC_CLOUD_FILE'),
            // Upload a backup by hour to the cloud
            $bucket->upload(fopen($path . "/messages-backup-" . $timeAux . ".json", 'r'), [
                'name' => env('GC_CLOUD_PATH') . "messages-backup-" . $timeAux . ".json",
         * Delete older backups from the cloud bucket.
         * @param mixed $bucket
         * @return void
        private function deleteOlderBackups(mixed $bucket): void
            // Get the current time minus 5 hours
            $dayBeforeYesterday             = Carbon::now()->subDays(2);
            $dayBeforeYesterdayBackupPrefix = 'messages-backup-' . $dayBeforeYesterday->format('Y_m_d_H');
            // List all objects in the bucket
            $objects = $bucket->objects();
            $objectsArray = iterator_to_array($objects);
            // Filter objects based on the name prefix of the previous day's backups
            $oldBackups = array_filter($objectsArray, function ($object) use ($dayBeforeYesterdayBackupPrefix) {
                return str_contains($object->name(), $dayBeforeYesterdayBackupPrefix);
            // Delete all older backups
            foreach ($oldBackups as $oldBackup) {
                    ->info('Deleted old backup ' . $oldBackup->name());

Implementation for restore from GC


class MessageRestoreFromCloud extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'db:messages-restore-from-cloud';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Command to get the latest backup from the bucket and restore the database';

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
    public function handle(): int
        // Create cloud connection:
        $storage = new StorageClient([
            'keyFilePath' => base_path() . "/gc-" . env('APP_ENV') . ".json"

        // Create bucket instance
        $bucket = $storage->bucket(env('APP_ENV') . "-backups-bd");

        // Get backup from cloud
        $object = $bucket->object(env('GC_CLOUD_PATH') . env('GC_CLOUD_FILE'));

        // Check if exists in the cloud
        if (!$object->exists())
            // Log
                ->error(env('GC_CLOUD_FILE') . ' file does not exist in the cloud!');

            // I/O
            $this->error(env('GC_CLOUD_FILE') . ' file does not exist in the cloud..');

            // Abort
            return 0;

        $object->downloadToFile($backupFilePath = base_path() . env('GC_HOST_PATH') . "cloud-backup.json");

        // Load the content of the SQL file
        $jsonContent = file_get_contents($backupFilePath);

        // Delete tmp backup

        // Decode the JSON into an associative array
        $dataJson = json_decode($jsonContent, true);

        // Check if we have data
        if (empty($dataJson))
                ->error('No data to rollback! About!');

            // I/O
            $this->info("No data to rollback! About..");
            return 0;

        // Check if the 'messages' table exists before truncating
        if (!Schema::hasTable('messages'))
                ->error('Table messages not exist! About!');

            // I/O
            $this->info("Table messages not exist! About..");
            return 0;

        // Clean table

        // Start transaction

        try {

            // Insert in bulk

            // Commit if everything is successful

            // Log success
                ->info('Backup restored successfully!');

            // I/O
            $this->info("Backup restored successfully..");

        } catch (\Exception $e) {

            // Rollback only if something wrong

            // Log

            // I/O

        // Exit
        return 0;

Test full GC process

    // Test bucket connection to GC
    Route::get('/bucket-test', function () {

        try {

            $localPath = env('GC_HOST_PATH');
            $localFile = env('GC_HOST_FILE');
            $cloudPath = env('GC_CLOUD_PATH');
            $cloudFile = env('GC_CLOUD_FILE');

            // TEST CONNECTION
            $storage   = new StorageClient([
                'keyFilePath' => base_path() . "/gc-" . env('APP_ENV') . ".json"

            echo '<pre> - Connection done with success!';

            // TEST BUCKET
            $bucketName = env('APP_ENV') . "-backups-bd";
            $bucket = $storage->bucket($bucketName);

            echo '<pre> - Bucket test done with success!';

            // Filepath
            $filepath = base_path() . $localPath . $localFile;
            if (!is_file($filepath))
                // If file not exist, create a dummy one
                $contentArray = ['test' => 'Test content'];
                file_put_contents($filepath, json_encode($contentArray, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));

            $object = $bucket->object($cloudPath . $cloudFile);

            // TEST FILTER - Calculate the name prefix for the previous day's backups but change according the needs
            $previousDayBackupPrefix = 'messages-backup-'; // . Carbon::yesterday()->format('Y_m_d');

            echo "<pre> - Filter test start: ( filter by '$previousDayBackupPrefix' ) ";

            // List all objects in the bucket
            $objects = $bucket->objects();

            // Extract objects from the iterator
            $objectsArray = iterator_to_array($objects);

            // Filter objects based on the name prefix of the previous day's backups
            $oldBackups = array_filter($objectsArray, function ($object) use ($previousDayBackupPrefix) {
                return str_contains($object->name(), $previousDayBackupPrefix);

            foreach ($oldBackups as $oldBackup) {
                echo "<pre> ------ " . $oldBackup->name();

            echo "<pre> - Filter test done with success!";

            // TEST UPLOAD
            $bucket->upload(fopen($filepath, 'r'),
                ["name" => $cloudPath . $cloudFile]

            echo '<pre> - Upload test done with success!';

            // TEST DOWNLOAD
            $object->downloadToFile(base_path() . $localPath . $localFile . "-from-gc");

            echo '<pre> - Download test done with success!';

            // TEST DELETE
            unlink(base_path() . $localPath . $localFile . "-from-gc");

            echo '<pre> - Delete done with success!';
            return '<pre> - Tests ended!';

        } catch(Exception $e) {


Demonstration ( Click on the image to watch the video )

Demonstration video